General Settings

This section explains how to view, define, and apply standard report setting properties. These settings determine the information you see and the actions you can take in the cube view. To edit the following properties, on the Cube Views page, under Cube View Groups, select a cube view and then General Settings to expand the slider.

  • Sharing: Share all or specific rows or columns from another cube view. Sharing can increase efficiency and consistency when building and managing cube views.

  • Common: These options control general, shortcut, restrictions, suppression, and paging properties.

    • Is Visible in Profiles: When set to True, the Cube View is visible in the Cube View Profile. When false, the Cube View is not visible within the Cube View Profile. In these cases, the Cube View would not be visible in Workflow, Excel, Dashboards, or OnePlace.

    • Page Caption: Appears at the top of the data explorer grid when viewing the output of a cube view. If left blank, it will get its value from the cube view description. If the description is blank, it will display the cube view name.

    • Is Shortcut: Determines whether the cube view is a shortcut.

    • Shortcut Cube View Name: Enter the name of another cube view that will open when this cube view is being used as a shortcut.

    • Literal Parameter Values: Enter a comma-separated list of name-value pairs for parameter values to be used when this cube view is used as a shortcut to open another cube view. Piped variable names cannot be used (for example, |!ParamView!|) in this setting.

      Example: Param1=Value1, Param2=[Value 2]

    • Can Modify Data: If set to True, the cube view can be modified in OnePlace. If set to False, the cube view is read only.

      NOTE: You can still make annotations to accounts in a cube view if this property is set to False.

    • Can Calculate, Can Translate, and Can Consolidate: If set to True, you can right-click on a cell and calculate, translate, or consolidate data in OnePlace.

      NOTE: These properties coincide with the Can Calculate from Grids Scenario security group. If set to True but the user is not in the group for that given scenario member, they cannot calculate from a cube view grid.

    • Can Modify Suppression: Set to True to enable a row suppression icon in the data explorer grid toolbar and enable users to turn the suppression settings on and off when viewing a cube view.

    • Include Cell Attachment Status: If set to True, a cell containing a data attachment will display a red tick mark. If set to False, there will be no indication of a data attachment in the cell. In large data sets, if set to True, it can affect performance.

      NOTE: This setting only applies to Cube Views in Spreadsheet and the OneStream Excel Add-In. It does not currently apply to Quick Views.

    • See Sparse Row Suppression and Cube View Paging.

  • Header Text: The default is a cube view with standard row and column headers. All the header settings control the row and column headers presented when the cube view is run if the default is not used.

  • Header Size: Column Header Heights align column headers with the bottom of a report. The default setting is -1 (which means they are auto-sized), so for bottom alignment to work in column headers, the height of the column header needs to be set. This is helpful for wrapped headers, which may cause the columns to expand.

    Row Header Widths are viewed in the cube view. Excel Row Header Widths are viewed when exporting to or rendering a cube view in Excel. Report Header Widths are viewed when a report on-the-fly is generated from a cube view. These can be changed from the default value. The -1 default value means that these Row Header Widths are auto-sized. Otherwise, set a positive number of at least 100 to determine the number of pixels wide (96 pixels = 2.5 cm). These settings can change for a maximum of six nested rows. The same can be done when reporting to Excel by using the ExcelRowHeader1Width property. The default value for this is also -1.

    NOTE: If a cube view Row Header Width is not specified, text and font information from all the expanded headers is used to automatically determine the width. The automatic row width maximum is a half of a page. Any text longer than a half of a page is wrapped.

  • Header Overrides: By default, the software determines which dimensions to show for row and column headers based on the member expansions specified in the Rows and Columns slider. These dimensions can also be selected manually.

    Report Column Index for Row Headers can be used for a report to display the row headers after the column instead of on the left side. The default value is -1, but setting this to a positive number changes the cube view column index. Specifying several columns greater than the existing number of columns reverts the row headers back to the left side of the report. Hidden columns are not included in the column count.

    NOTE: If a cube view report exceeds the width of the page, the software automatically adds a page break on the appropriate column and repeats the row headers on the following page. If Report Column Index for Row Headers or Auto Fit to Page Width are enabled, the report does not repeat the row headers.

  • Report: These properties apply advanced formatting to cube views.

    • Custom Report Task: Custom report formatting can be applied to cube views using a cube view extender business rule or inline formula.

      • Select No Task if there are no cube view business rules or inline formulas running on this report.

      • Select Execute Cube View Extender Business Rule to call a cube view extender.

      • Select Execute Cube View Extender Inline Formula to include an inline formula.

    • Business Rule: This property is only enabled when Execute Cube View Extender Business Rule is selected as the custom report task. Click the ellipsis and select the cube view extender business rule.

    • Formula: This property is only enabled when Execute Cube View Extender Inline Formula is selected as the custom report task. Click the ellipsis and select the cube inline formula.

    Additional options are available for report formatting to set paper size, page orientation, and margins, and to automatically fit the information to a specific page width or number of pages.

  • Excel: Controls whether gridlines are displayed in the Excel file.

  • Navigation Links: Determines the information you can view in a cube view in the data explorer grid.

    • Linked Cube Views: Enter a comma separated list of cube views that will be available to open when viewing a cube view in the data explorer grid. The cube views specified in this field apply to the entire cube view and are available when you right-click any cube view data cell. See Linked Cube Views.

    • Linked Dashboards: Enter a comma separated list of dashboards that you can right-click to open when viewing a cube view in the data explorer grid.

    • Include Default NavLink Parameters: Set to True in source cube views to use NavLink parameters - with a intuitive, standard syntax, as Bound parameters for any dimension. This simplifies cube view design and reduces error as you:

      • Do not have to define parameters for navigation, and can use a standard syntax to ensure parameter names match across cube views and other objects.

      • Can navigate cube views from any dimensional intersection to analyze data that is refined by passed point of view selections, in linked cube views. See Analyze Data in Linked Cube Views Wtih Passed Point of View Selections.

    • Bound Parameter Names for Navigation Links: Lists all the dimensions that may be assigned to a row when the Report Navigation Links property is set to True and represents the member name being passed from this report to another using navigation links.

    • Bound Parameter Names: For a linked cube view to open and display the correct member data for a selected cell, parameters with the member need to be specified using a bound parameter. This lists all the dimensions that may have a parameter included in a linked cube view.